Make an appointment
To make an appointment to with a doctor call 01284 725550 or use our on-line appointment booking service, which is in operation 24-hours a day.
When you telephone the practice, a trained member of our practice team will ask you for brief details in order that they can signpost you to the most appropriate clinician, which may be a practice nurse, prescribing nurse, clinical pharmacist physiotherapist, or a doctor. Any information you provide will be treated confidentially.
GP Appointments
When requesting an appointment all patients will be offered the option of a face to face or telephone appointment. Appointments are available to book up to 2 weeks ahead
Urgent Appointments
If you require an urgent appointment for the day then please call at 8.00am for morning appointments and 12pm for afternoon appointments.
The appointment may be with any doctor, nurse practitioner or nurse depending on clinical need.
Genuine urgent medical need will always be fitted in with a Doctor, not necessarily your own.
We reserve a small amount of urgent appointments which are bookable on the day from 8am for the morning surgery and 12pm for afternoon appointments.
Patients requesting an on the day urgent appointment will are expected to be able to attend a face to face appointment with our duty doctor.
Our of Out of Hours Service
Our of Out of Hours Service are available from 6.30 pm to 8.00 am daily and weekends provided by NHS 111. Contact NHS 111 directly on telephone number 111. This will be charged at local call rate.
Clinical Pharmacists
The surgery have appointments available with our team of clinical pharmacists. Please note when booking an appointment the receptionist may book your appointment with a member of this team. Our Clinical Pharmacist’s offer medication reviews, new patient checks, NHS health checks diabetic clinics and long term condition reviews.
Nursing Appointments
Our Practice Nurses are qualified to deal with a wide range of conditions. The majority of appointments with our nursing team will be face to face and you will be advised if you appointment will be via telephone instead.
Health Care Assistant
Our Health Care Assistant has appointments available to deal on a daily basis such as wound care, smoking cessation and blood pressure monitoring.
The HCA is available for routine blood tests twice a week. These are by appointment only.
Phlebotomy Appointments
We offer two morning blood test clinics per week at the surgery. These appointments are offered to those patients who meet our criteria of over 70 years, vulnerable patients and those receiving cancer treatment.
All other patients will be offered an appointment at the West Suffolk Hospital. Our Reception Team can book these appointments on your behalf or you can book online West Suffolk Hospital Blood Test
If you are unable to book online please call 0300 303 5299, lines are open 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Parking is available at the rear of the hospital, where the department is located is free for 30 minutes. Disabled Parking is also available. A map of the car parks is available WSH Blood Test Clinic
Physio Therapist
Our reception team may offer you an appointment with our physiotherapist. The reception team follow a triage system for this service. Please note your appointment may be held at one of the other Practices in Bury St Edmunds. You will be advised of your appointment location on booking.