New Patients

How to Register 

If you live within the practice area (displayed below), please register online via the following links:

Victoria Surgery, IP33 3BB

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept registrations from outside this area.

Should you be unable to register online, please visit our reception team for printed copies of our registration documents.  Or click RFI Paper Registration to print the registration document.

Please be aware, that registering in person at the practice reception desk will take longer than registering online, so please ensure you have obtained your most recent supply of repeat medications before asking to transfer from your previous practice.

Our Patient Leaflet is available Here

Please ensure you complete all the sections included.  Your NHS number can be found online at:

Please note if you wish to register for our online services you will need to provide proof of ID.  Online registration is available via the NHS App.

To update or add next of kin details please complete Form Attached  and return it to the surgery at